About Inner Sunset
The inner sunset is bordered by Lincoln Way to the north, Arguello Boulevard to the east, Quintara Street to the south and 19th Avenue to the west. This section of the sunset is tucked away between Mount Sutro and Sunset Heights and gives off a real neighborhood feel with quaint, yet attached houses, along with curb side trees and lawns which is a rarity in the sunset. The main commercial street for this area is Irving Street between 7th and 22nd avenues which is dotted with a variety of restaurants and shops. The Inner Sunset is also the sunniest area in the predominantly foggy neighborhood.
It is interesting that about half of the Inner Sunset’s residents are Asian American, mostly of Chinese birth and descent, a result of a demographic shift that began in the late 1960s and accelerated from the 1980s as Asian immigration to San Francisco increased dramatically. The first immigrants in the Sunset were Irish and Asian. The neighborhood today is still an ethnic tapestry with modern gentrification meeting the old timers. The resulting retail and restaurant life is a patchwork of the tried-and-true, along with hip new establishments.
Sunset residents are diverse and include a large Asian population, long-time locals, young newcomers, and families with kids.